
musings & photography
from two perpetual wanderers

Posts tagged “email”

Sunset view of the Galata tower and bridge from the rooftop bar at Mikla at The Marmara Pera

Europe and Asia. Hijabs and Louis Vuitton. Euros and liras. Everything from Istanbul's geography to its current political climate splits it in two.

Istanbul's Tale of Two Cities



Erohisms? What?

We're Rob and Lina Eroh, and we're the voices behind erohisms (pronounced "arrow-isms"). We left San Francisco and our fancy tech jobs to pursue a crazy challenge: go from well-employed to well-traveled on $1000pp/month. We succeeded and now we're exploring life as digital nomads, working from wherever fancy strikes. If you’re into adventure travel, awesome photography, and behind the scenes exposés, you’ll love following our journey.

Currently in San Francisco, California.
On the road since February 2013.

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