One month down, an unknown number to go. Here's where we netted out after the first 28 days.
$1858.25 ($141.75 under budget, which will help offset flight costs down the road)
$33 each
Number of
- Countries: 2
- Cities: 9 (not counting short stops and day trips to outer regions)
- Credit card swipes: 0
- Hitchhikes: 1 (in Mandalay)
- Market meals: 7
- Massages: 2 (each)
- Bus trips: 20+ (both local and long-distance)
- Flights: 3 (US to Yangon via Seoul, Mandalay to Bangkok)
- Elephant encounters: 4 (one in the wild, one on the street, one at work, one at a center)

- Coconuts: 4 (three in Burma, one in Thailand)
- Alarm clock uses: 3 or 4
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 2 (both in Thailand; we're shocked Bagan and Inle Lake aren't included--they've been on the "tentative" list for 15+ years!)
- Non-guesthouse beds: 3 (one at a hill tribe village, one at a Buddhist monastery, one on a bus)
- Waterfalls: 10 (nine in Thailand, one in Burma)
- Phrasebook uses: 5 (mostly to order vegetarian food and/or drink with the locals!)
- Days with no beer: 0
- Days with no internet: 12
- Days without feeling lucky: 0
Favorite experiences
- [Being seatless in the 3rd class train]( | filename |—and making lots of Thai friends in the bar car! | ||
- [Eating/drinking as much as possible out of coconut shells]( | filename | |

- Getting kissed by an elephant in Ayutthaya
- Sunrise over Bagan... followed by the infinity pool at the Aureum
- Being tall--I've never seen the tops of so many heads before!

Overall, the first month was incredible. It's hard to put words to the many new experiences we've had... and it's hard to believe that it's only the beginning.
What we may love most is the closest thing we have to a schedule is to look at the map in the morning and ask, "where next?"
We hope you've enjoyed our tales and photography and that you stick around for month two! If you like what you see/read, please leave comments and share the blog with your friends.
-The Erohs